The Altitude Story

Previously known as PMC Builders, Altitude began as a small business yet with a point of difference to the rest. I established the company with solid experience in both commercial and residential building.

I began my career as an apprentice carpenter in the sleepy Victorian town of Myrtleford, a place well known for its natural beauty and distinctive avenues of trees.

Ten formative years in local residential development later, youthful exuberance brought us to Melbourne. A larger pond for both work and opportunity. Sending me on a sharp learning curve of what I didn’t know.

Fifteen years after that shift to Melbourne and with considerable commercial experience now under my belt, we at Altitude now number 35 regular staff and have a much deeper understanding of good business practice.

It is personal qualities taught to me from a young age that strangely are the reason we still exist as a business – treating people well and keeping our word. As you read through the details of this site we suspect you will know whether our values are a good fit for your project.

Life has taught me that growing a business like Altitude without honour is not growth at all. And I would rather keep you waiting than subcontract your work to an inferior third party.

We at Altitude welcome you to our website. We encourage you to consider the work of other contractors so that you might better understand our quiet point of difference.

And most of all, we wish you well.

Peter Cavedon